Sep 3, 2008

Social networks : How to optimize your Facebook profile?

Many people ask me are congratulating me on my facebook profile and asking me how to use FB to generate business networks and deals.

My answer is, first, Facebook blog is excellent to begin with. All the new features are described and FB forum can help on sharing ideas or resolve some technical problems.

Facebook is only a social network or The BLOG of blogs, a tool that will never replace your way of behaving in life.

If we relate to the Aristotle theory of the Final Cause (La cause finale),
« Tout art et toute investigation, et pareillement toute action et tout choix, tendent vers quelque fin » . It is defined as the purpose, the good, or the end of something.

The way you want to use Facebook depends on your Final Cause, your target audience (cible). And like in marketing, you have to adjust accordingly.

The Driver (goal oriented) wants Accomplishment: what your product or service can do for them to solve their problem.

The Amiable wants Acceptance: why your product or service is best to solve their problem.

The Expressive (creative) wants Applause: who has used your product or service to solve problems.

The Analytical wants Accuracy: how your product or service can solve the problem.

Hope it can help.

Sonia Bessamra.

1 comment:

div said...

i am sure this will interest lot of folks

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